DGKL/GCLA is leaving X

The German Cognitive Linguistics Association (DGKL/GCLA) has been more or less active on X, formerly known as Twitter, since 2017. Back then, Twitter used to be a platform that was certainly far from perfect, but still, among other things, it was a good place for the informal exchange of scientific ideas. There are still exciting conversations happening on X, especially on topics concerning Cognitive Linguistics and Construction Grammar. But still, we cannot ignore that the platform has changed for the worse – and, even more importantly, that it is owned and run by a person who spreads misinformation and conspiracy theories on a regular basis, using his reach on the platform for gaining political influence not only in the US but also in other countries, including Germany. The worldview and the goals of right-wing populists like Elon Musk are incompatible with the values that academic discourse should stand for: open-mindedness, respect, integrity in the quest for truth. Many individuals, but also a number of scientific organizations have therefore decided to leave the platform. The board of the DGKL/GCLA has decided to follow the lead of many organizations – including more than 60 universities and research institutions in the German-speaking area – in suspending our activities on X. 

Science may be politically neutral, but scientists cannot be neutral toward political developments that threaten academic freedom. Many examples across the globe have shown that right-wing populism is among the greatest dangers that science faces these days, with right-wing governments defunding universities and implementing anti-science legislation, and some countries even banning entire fields of research. X has become a platform that not only enables the spread of right-wing populism but that actively promotes hate and extremism. As a scientific association, we therefore do not want to support this platform anymore. From now on, you can find us on Bluesky and Instagram – maybe we will be a bit more active there than we used to be on Twitter…

CfP: Yearbook 2025

We invite contributions for the 2025 Yearbook of the Cognitive Linguistics Association.

The Yearbook, published with de Gruyter, aims to enable the dynamic exchange of ideas relating to all aspects of Cognitive Linguistics both within the association and in the global Cognitive Linguistics community.

The spectrum of topics covered by the Yearbook is as broad as Cognitive Linguistics itself. As such, the Yearbook of the DGKL/GCLA does not impose specific topical requirements on contributions, as it aims to document the full range of topics investigated by members of the Cognitive Linguistics community. This includes work not just in Cognitive Linguistics in a narrow sense, but also in closely related fields such as psycholinguistics, gesture research, and Cognitive Poetics. It also includes work by researchers in related frameworks that do not (yet?) consider themselves part of the Cognitive Linguistics research program, as long as there is a clear connection to the perspective adopted by the latter.

For more information, see the de Gruyter website: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/gcla/html#submit

New board

In the general assembly on September 4, 2024, we have elected a new board. Susanne Flach, Juliana Goschler, Beate Hampe and Arne Zeschel have left the board after two consecutive terms. Doris Schönefeld, former president of the DGKL/GCLA, has left the board by own request. We are very grateful to all of them for their longstanding service for the cognitive-linguistic community in general and the DGKL/GCLA in particular. Stefan Hartmann has been elected as the new president of the DGKL/GCLA. Ad Foolen, Lara Höttecke and Claudia Lehmann have been elected as new members. Kim-Kristin Droste will join the board as part of the organizing team of the 10th conference, Katja Politt does so as the organizer of the upcoming 11th conference. Antje Quick joins the board as one of the yearbook editors. Here’s the full board:

Stefan Hartmann, Düsseldorf (President)
Kim-Kristin Droste, Osnabrück
Ad Foolen, Nijmegen
Thomas Herbst, Erlangen
Lara Höttecke, Osnabrück
Claudia Lehmann, Potsdam
Katja Politt, Bielefeld
Peter Uhrig, Erlangen
Alexander Willich, Düsseldorf (Secretary General)
Antje Quick, Leipzig (Yearbook Editor)

The general assembly took place after the first day of the 10th International Conference of the DGKL/GCLA in Osnabrück. We are very grateful to the organizing team, lead by Alex Bergs, for making this a successful conference!

Conference 2024

The 10th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Asscociation will take place on 4–6 September 2024 in Osnabrück. The Call for Papers can be found on the conference website. The deadline for abstracts is 15 January 2024.

During the conference, the next DGKL/GCLA general assembly will be held.

CfP: 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC16)

First Call for Papers: 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

ICLC 16: Modeling Language and Cognition

August 7-11, 2023
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Theme Session Proposal Deadline: October 15, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 15, 2022

About the conference

The 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Conference (ICLC16) will take place at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf from August 7 through 11, 2023. ICLC is the biennial meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA), which connects scholars from various linguistic disciplines and theoretical approaches who share a cognitive-functional view of language, according to which language is seen as an integral part of cognition. In recent years, Cognitive Linguistics has become more and more interdisciplinary, combining insights from typology, psycho- and neurolinguistics, language history, and many other areas.

We invite a broad range of papers on any topic taking a cognitive, functional, typological, or discourse approach to the study of language and cognition. Typical topics treated in the conference include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • cognitive grammar 
  • construction grammar
  • constructicography
  • metaphor and metonymy
  • frame semantics
  • prototypes and categorization
  • cognitive phonology
  • discourse analysis
  • pragmatics and cognition
  • corpus linguistics
  • language processing
  • neurolinguistics
  • language change and grammaticalization
  • cognitive typology
  • motion and space
  • first language acquisition
  • applied linguistics and pedagogy
  • language evolution
  • translation and cognition
  • multimodality
  • sign language research
  • writing systems
  • cognitive sociolinguistics
  • cognitive semiotics

The main topic of ICLC16 is “Modeling language and cognition”. We particularly encourage papers discussing theoretical advances in modeling linguistic knowledge from a usage-based perspective, or empirical methods that help us get a better grasp of the “grammar network” using authentic data and/or computational modeling, including constructicography and data-based developments of linguistic resources of various kinds. As usual, however, we strive at representing the full breadth of cognitive-linguistic research. In our first in-person meeting since 2019, we therefore look very much forward to vivid discussions about papers from all domains of Cognitive Linguistics.

The organization of ICLC16 is guided by the principles summarized in the ICLA Statement of Diversity and Inclusion.

All information on the conference can be found on the ICLC16 website.

The language of the conference is English.

Our confirmed plenary speakers are:

  •  Heike Behrens, University of Basel
  •  Alice Gaby, Monash University
  •  Thomas Hoffmann, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
  •  Terry Janzen, University of Manitoba
  •  Kyoko Ohara, Keio University
  •  Jordan Zlatev, Lund University

For conference participation there is no requirement to be an ICLA member, but members will get a substantial reduction in the conference fees as well as enjoy other benefits (more information and member signup via the ICLA website).

The ICLA has set up a fund for student scholarships; students who have their abstracts for a poster or presentation accepted can apply for a scholarship. More details can be found here

Call for papers

Theme Sessions:

There are two stages for submissions for a theme session. First, theme session organizers should submit their theme session proposals directly to the conference organizers at the following address by October 15, 2022.


Theme session proposals should include: the session title, the name and affiliation of the theme session organizer, an introduction of up to 400 words (excluding examples and references) explaining the theme, as well as a list of the authors and titles of the individual papers, and all abstracts of the papers in the proposed theme session (100 words each) in a suitable order. 

We strongly encourage diversity at the level of the affiliations involved in the theme session – at least one third of the papers should be contributed by authors outside the affiliation of the theme session organizer/s. We also encourage theme session organizers to take other diversity aspects into account, e.g. by aiming at a good gender balance. The acceptance of theme session proposals will be announced by November 15, 2022.

Once a theme session has been accepted as a whole, individual theme session authors will need to submit their abstracts for review, following the same guidelines of submission for general and poster sessions below. Papers need to be individually accepted in order to form a theme session. 

General Session and Poster Session:

Abstracts for general (oral) sessions and poster sessions are to be submitted through our abstract submission page, following the guidelines below. On the submission page you are asked to state whether the paper should be considered for oral session only, poster session only, or both. The deadline for abstract submission is December 15, 2022.

Each presentation slot in the general session will be 25 minutes long, including questions and discussions (20 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes for questions and discussion).

Posters will be allocated to dedicated, timetabled sessions, and will be thematically organized in terms of time and space of display. 

Submission guidelines

The abstract submission page can be found here.

Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (excluding examples and references). Author names should not appear anywhere in the text (you may cite yourself as [Author] or in the third person for previously published work). Please copy & paste the abstract text into the Easychair window. A PDF file is optional at this stage. If you want to include figures or graphics, feel free to upload the abstract as a PDF and write “see pdf” in the abstract window. Theme session authors should make sure to note the title of the theme session at the top of their abstracts. References should be formatted according to the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals.

Each author may submit a maximum of one single-authored paper and one first-authored paper (or two first-authored papers), regardless of whether they are intended for the general, poster, or theme session.

Local organizing committee

New board

In the general assembly on March 1, 2022, we have elected a new board. The organizers of DGKL8, Constanze Juchem-Grundmann and Susanne Niemeier, have left the board. We are very grateful to them for their longstanding service for the cognitive-linguistic community and the DGKL/GCLA. All other board members have been re-elected; Peter Uhrig, who had belonged to the board from 2014 to 2018, has joined the board again. Alexander Willich has joined the board as the new general secretary of the association. Here’s the full board:

  • Thomas Herbst, Erlangen (President)
  • Susanne Flach, Zurich
  • Juliana Goschler, Oldenburg
  • Beate Hampe, Erfurt
  • Stefan Hartmann, Düsseldorf
  • Doris Schönefeld, Leipzig
  • Peter Uhrig, Erlangen
  • Arne Zeschel, Mannheim
  • Alexander Willich, Düsseldorf (Secretary General)
  • Anatol Stefanowitsch, Berlin (Yearbook editor)

The general assembly took place after the first day of the 9th International Conference of the DGKL/GCLA. We are very grateful to Beate Hampe, Anja Binanzer, and their team for making this virtual conference a highly enjoyable event.

Conference & general assembly

From March 1 to March 4, this year’s international conference of the DGKL/GCLA will take place online. Registration is possible until March 1 (see the conference website).

On March 1 at 7.15pm, the general assembly of the DGKL/GCLA will take place. All members should have received the access data via email. If you haven’t, feel free to get in touch with the general secretary, Stefan Hartmann (hartmast [at] hhu [dot] de).

CfP DGKL-9 reloaded

After postponing DGKL-9 to 2021, the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (DGKL/GCLA) is again inviting proposals for new contributions or updates of accepted contributions to its 9th international conference (DGKL/GCLA-9), now to be held from 29th Sept to 2nd October 2021 at Erfurt University.

In line with the framing theme “Cognitive Linguistics as an Interdisciplinary Endeavour: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges”, our confirmed plenary and keynote speakers will bring in a wide variety of cognitive and usage-based perspectives on language, illustrating the impressive methodological repertoire that the proponents of the cognitive-functional paradigm in linguistic research have accumulated over the past decades: Ewa Dąbrowska (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Dirk Geeraerts (KU Leuven), Adele E. Goldberg (Princeton University), Irene Mittelberg (RWTH Aachen), Natalia Levshina (MPI Nijmegen), Friedemann Pulvermüller (FU Berlin), Sabine Stoll (UZH, University of Zurich), Kristian Tylén (Aarhus University), Stefanie Wulff (University of Florida & UiT The Arctic University of Norway).

New or updated abstracts for talks and posters can again be submitted via our conference management system from 1st February until 15th March, 2021. If you wish to do so, please go to www.uni-erfurt.de/go/dgkl-9. Choose ”Calls for papers” and use the link to the abstract submission system provided there (all existing user IDs and passwords remain valid). Notifications of acceptance will go out by 1st June, 2021.

Our pre-conference methods workshop ”Classification trees and random forests for linguistic data” will be given on the 28th of September by Stefan Th. Gries (University of California at St. Barbara & University of Gießen). Please contact us if you wish to participate.

Please visit www.uni-erfurt.de/go/dgkl-9 for all further information. Do not hesitate to use our conference mail DGKL-9@uni-erfurt.de or the link to the conference office provided at our conference website to send us any more specific queries.