CfP: GCLA Yearbook 2017

The organizers of the 7th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association have issued a Call for Papers for the “Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 2017”. The topic of the volume will be “Cognitive approaches to interaction and language attitudes”. Here’s the full CfP:

The conference organizing team of this year’s GCLA conference – Marcel Fladrich, Wolfgang Imo, Jens Lanwer and Evelyn Ziegler – invite abstracts for contributions to the 5th Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, which is planned to be published in 2017.

We ask authors to provide an abstract of about 1 page in length in which they lay out their subject matter, the data they will be looking at and the insights which they expect to demonstrate in their contribution. Contributions should not present research that has been published elsewhere.

In accordance to this year’s conference theme – Cognitive approaches to interaction and language attitudes – we welcome contributions dealing with topics on interaction and language attitudes from a cognitive perspective. Questions that may be asked are:

· How do interactional needs shape grammatical constructions?
· How can empirical analyses of interaction offer insights into cognitive processes?
· What can empirical analyses tell us about language attitudes, their interactional histories and situated negotiations?
· What conceptualizations of others’ languages, ethnicities, social status etc. do interactants lay open?
· How, when and why is stance expressed, negotiated, challenged or criticized etc. in interactions?

The deadline for the call for abstracts is December 31, 2016. Please send your abstracts to Contributors will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of their proposals by January 31, 2017. Manuscripts are expected by August, 31, 2017.

The language of the volume will be English. For further information, please visit the website of de Gruyter for the GCLA Yearbook.

General Assembly 2016

The general assembly of the DGKL/GLCA was held on October 6th, 2016, at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen. Here are the most important results:

  • Doris Schönefeld (Leipzig) was re-elected as president of the association.
  • The next conference will take place at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz, in 2018. It will be organized by Constanze Juchem-Grundmann, Susanne Niemeier, and Michael Pleyer.
  • The former Secretary General of the association, Michael Pleyer (Koblenz-Landau), resigns from his position after four years. Stefan Hartmann (Hamburg) is elected as his successor.
  • Further members of the newly-elected board are: Beate Hampe (Erfurt), Thomas Herbst (Erlangen-Nürnberg), Wolfgang Imo (Essen), Constanze Juchem-Grundmann (Koblenz-Landau), Susanne Niemeier (Koblenz-Landau), Hans-Jörg Schmid (München), and Peter Uhrig (Erlangen-Nürnberg). The board endorsed Anatol Stefanowitsch (Berlin) in his capacity as editor of the association’s Yearbook for another two years. Thus, he remains on the board as an ex-officio member.
  • Irene Mittelberg (Aachen) and Alexander Ziem (Düsseldorf) have left the board after having served the maximum period of four consecutive years.

The board thanks its outgoing members Irene Mittelberg, Michael Pleyer, and Alexander Ziem for their service over the past four years. One key project of the new board will be to establish a mailing list for distributing relevant announcements (e.g. conferences, publications, job offers). The minutes of the general assembly (in German) will shortly be made available to the members.

René Dirven (1932-2016)

It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of René Dirven’s passing.

Dirven (1932-2016), who was emeritus professor of English linguistics at the Uni-
versity of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, was one of the most influential figures in Cognitive Linguistics in Europe. His role in the popularization of the Cognitive-Linguistic Approach can hardly be overestimated and he will be missed dearly.

An obituary can be found on Linguist List.

Call for Papers: AELCO 2016

The 10th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association: Discourse, Culture and Contexts takes places from 26.-28. October 2016 at the University of Alcalá.

The Plenary speakers are:

  • Enrique Bernárdez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
  • Mercedes Belinchón, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
  • Barbara Dancygier, University of British Columbia (Canada)
  • Dirk Geeraerts, University of Leuven (Belgium)

The Deadline for submissions is March 30th 2016.

The call for papers can be found here.

Call for Papers: Seventh International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association: Cognitive Approaches to Interaction and Language Attitudes

The Seventh International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (DGKL/GCLA) will be held at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (Campus Essen). The central theme is Cognitive approaches to interaction and language attitudes. The conference is organized by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Imo, Dr. Jens Philipp Lanwer and Prof. Dr. Evelyn Ziegler and will take place from October 5 to October 7, 2016.

Conference languages will be English and German.


We are looking forward to abstracts for papers dealing either with this year’s main topic – Cognitive Approaches to interaction and language attitudes – or with other topics in the area of cognitive usage-based linguistics. We welcome contributions dealing with different aspects of cognitive linguistics as well as contributions taking a cognitive perspective on language on the basis of methods employed in corpus linguistics, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology and artificial intelligence or explorations of the links between these disciplines and cognitive linguistics.

We welcome submissions of presentations, posters or theme sessions.

Further information:

Call for Papers: Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association

Dear fellow members of the DGKL, dear participants of the Erlangen conference and previous conferences,

submissions are now open for the third issue of the Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association [1], edited by Thomas Herbst and Peter Uhrig.

The participants of the DGKL 2014 in Erlangen as well as all members of the DGKL are invited to submit papers based on their talks at the Erlangen conference or any other current research project. Papers should be between 3000 and 6000 words in length including references and appendices.

Please send your manuscripts to <>.
The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2015, the manuscript should conform to the LSA’s “Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics” [2].

The Yearbook of the DGKL/GCLA aims to document, and thus facilitate, the exchange of ideas in the Cognitive Linguistics community. It does not aim to compete with journals like Cognitive Linguistics and Language and Cognition, but to complement them by offering researchers an outlet for their work at an early stage, while maintaining the same high standards of peer review that also characterize the journals.

Beyond these standards, the Yearbook of the DGKL/GCLA does not impose specific topical requirements on contributions, as it aims to document the full range of topics investigated by members of the DGKL/GCLA. This includes work not just in Cognitive Linguistics in a narrow sense, but also in closely related fields such as psycholinguistics, gesture research and Cognitive Poetics.

The yearbook also does not impose specific methodological requirements. However, past conferences indicate a clear shift away from the introspective approach towards a range of empirical methods. This is a highly desirable trend and we hope to see it represented strongly in your contributions.

You will be notified about the rejection or acceptance of your paper, as well as any changes the reviewers may suggest in the second half of May 2015, the final versions will then be due on June 22nd, 2015. Proofs will be sent out around the middle of August 2015 with about two weeks for proof reading.

We are looking forward to your contributions!
Thomas Herbst and Peter Uhrig (Volume Editors)
Anatol Stefanowitsch (Series Editor)


General Assembly 2014

The GCLA held its general assembly for the years 2013/2014 yesterday; the minutes of the meeting will be published for our members (in German) shortly. Here are the most important results:

  1. Doris Schönefeld of the University of Leipzig is the new President of the GCLA.
  2. The next conference will be organized by Wolfgang Imo at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Essen campus), in 2016.
  3. Board members Constanze Juchem-Grundmann, Juliana Goschler and Anatol Stefanowitsch left the board since they were not eligible for re-election after having served two consecutive terms.
  4. Beate Hampe and Peter Uhrig were newly elected to the board, the other board members were confirmed in office for another term
  5. Anatol Stefanowitsch rejoined the board as advisory member ex officio in his function as editor in chief of the association’s yearbook.
  6. The yearbook and the regulations concerning its editorship and the advisory board were added to the GCLA’s statutes. The board is inviting suggestions for potential members of the advisory board.

Panel discussion on the optionality of arguments

On the afternoon of September 29th, there will be a pre-conference panel on Optionality in Argument Structure Constructions with Adele Goldberg, Thomas Herbst and Anatol Stefanowitsch in the Kollegienhaus of the FAU Erlangen, Universitätsstraße 14, Room 0.024.

Participants of the conference and anyone else who is interested are cordially invited.